Remember my fall at the park from the other night? It was a severe sprain and not a break. I got a giant boot to wear, but I still can't put any weight on it anyway. I have basically been lying down with my feet up in the air either conscious or unconscious in a Vicodin haze.
It looks a lot like this from my point of view.
See that right foot? No it is not an optical illusion, my right ankle measures 7.5 inches larger in circumference than the right. So long for now jeggings.
Also, being as that is my right ankle, it is my sewing and driving foot. Le sigh, If it weren't for the Vicodin I would be totally stressed about that.
Also, because I can't bear any weight on my foot just now I have been scooting around the house on my butt on my assistant's dog bed, which she thinks is a hilarious magic carpet game in which she is meant to chase me, lick me and make me laugh so hard I stop she can get on the bed with me and we can ride together.
I know I am not being punished though, because last night I asked Mr. Thinks He Can if he had a rolling chair at his office I could use, after a long trip of Magic Carpet Ride to the bathroom and back. He said no, but there was one someone had left by the dumpster. GET IT!!!! What a blessing. I now have abandoned the dog bed and have been rolling around the house in my dirty, old, used office chair which my assistant sniffs a little too much for me to be comfortable with.
So, during a moment of self pity, before the office chair/dumpster miracle, I bought the The Colette Sewing Handbook off I know Sarai wants us to use Amazon, but I get a sweet educator discount and had a gift certificate to use at BN.
I have enjoyed her blog posts on the five pattern she is including in the book.
Taffy and Meringue - A cute shirt and scalloped skirt
And three dresses!
Pastille - a simple shift
Truffle - a sleeveless dress with a pretty peplum-ruffle.
Licorice - a pretty dress with sleeves, but I am scared if I try this one it will look Becky Home Ecky. I may need to extend the sleeves to full length to feel comfortable with it. Still cute though!
It is set to ship November 16, which gets it to me just in time for my week off for Thanksgiving! Another awesome thing to look forward to!
oohh..I can't wait to get the book either! Ouch your foot looks so painful! speedy recovery!!