
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Friends

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, and to everyone that doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving...Happy Thursday!

I got to thinking last week. I have made everyone I know an apron, and I need one with Thanksgiving looming and Christmas right around the corner. I went to High Fashion Fabrics with my awesome teacher and friend Jenny this week and we got to talking about colors. I have been sitting on this fabric out of the Inncoent Crush collection from Anna Maria Horner for a long time, just waiting to use it on something. I, being of fair to borderline translucent skin cannot wear yellow. While shopping Jenny shared I can wear whatever color I like, I just needed to get the right shade. I had one yard of the mustard color with flowers and one yard of the coordinating purple. What to do? Of course I pulled out my One Yard Wonders book for an apron pattern.
I stumbled upon this book when admiring the sew along Pink Chalk Studio is doing. People are making amazing projects.

<-------- Their final version of the apron.

The fantastic layout and easy to read directions.

I made the cottage apron and made a few modifications. I used self made bias tape and instead of ribbon I made ties from my contrasting fabric to match the bias tape. Because I did not have a whole lot of fabric left after cutting bias tape I changed the back of the apron to just have a halter style neck.

See, no crossover straps back there.

You can see here I fussy cut my pockets so they would match the pattern on my fabric, and so the whole apron would be centered with the flowers in the middle. You can see the bias tape along the tops of the pockets and finishing the raw edges around the apron.

Also, the original pattern used an eyelet finish to edge the top and stick up above the neck line.  Being difficult like I am, I wanted to participate in Debi's So Grateful challenge. This called on all her readers to use something, fabric, pattern notion, etc. in a project that had been given to you by someone else.

I chose this pretty lace trim that I got from Project Angel Kisses. My sewing machine did not like it. It is pretty thick. I basted it along the neckline before I added the bias tape around the top. I managed to catch all of it! I think this is my favorite detail on the apron.

Now, being an American here is my tribute to some of the things I am grateful for:

  • Mr. Thinks He Can and his unending patience and support
  • My beautiful four-legged assistant for all the kisses, tail wagging and cuddles. 
  • My family near and far. We have had a rough patch lately and I am amazed at how we all pulled together and supported each other.
  • My blog and readers, I love that people are interested in this hobby I am learning.
  • My friends and colleagues that make all my days better... I can't call everyone out by name because it would just get too long!
  • My job and education.
  • Every day.
Thanks for reading everyone!


  1. I LOVE your apron!!!! I love the lace trim! And you look great in it!
    Inspired by our recent visit to High Fashion, I am busting my fabric stash and making baby blankets and big people blankets etc. (This is my penance for bringing new fabric into my sewing room when I still haven't made a dent in my fabric stash....)

  2. Wow I really love your apron! How cute!

  3. Awesome apron also your cooking food so delicious. thanks for sharing.
    African Fabrics | African Wax Print

  4. Thank you Stacie Davis for your beautiful looks so cute.I like your idea and your beautiful apron.

  5. I really like the idea of using a pre-existing pattern for an apron.
